A while ago, a friend came to see me, and screamed after see the 700 or so novels in my room. We got talking about it, and she encouraged me to give writing a try, and since I have always harboured a secret longing to be the next Chimamanda Adichie, I decided to give it a try. Please review with love.

Itohan’ I started,
’ I am officially sick and tired
of being a girlfriend o, I want to be wifed already for Pete’s sake! For the
past four weeks now I’ve been attending weddings and getting some really
annoying looks from those old women, some of them even have the temerity to
come and ask me when they will eat my own rice, as If rice is their problem.’
Itohan bursts out laughing,
’abeg , kamsi don’t make me choke on
this food biko. So what did you tell them?
‘What will I tell them again? I told them to send their sons to me if they
so desperately wish
to see me married instead of asking me all these yeye
‘Haba babe, there was no need to
go off on them like that, I think they were only being concerned’.
‘IT, leave matter for Matthias jare,
I am pretty sure if you were in my shoes you would have said worse, anyways I
don’t blame you, after all you have a husband and two wonderful kids, so you
couldn’t even begin to imagine the pressure us single girls have to go through
these days; You remember Mrs. Awodunmila
She thinks for a while
‘Yeah, I think I do the one with the pregnant
looking husband right’?
‘Yes o, she came up to me after
mass on Sunday to tell me she has been doing a special novena for me so I could
find a husband, see me see wahala o!’
That woman’s own is too much sef,
what’s her business in this one now; she’s just looking for trouble.
Her phone rings interrupting our discussion, after a while;
‘Hmmmm, IT, do you know my mother
went to one of those dubious money-laundering-candle-using churches to go and
pray for me and even invited me so they could pray for me and see if mammy
water is disturbing me, or its spirit husband that is attacking me.’
‘Hahaha, kamsi this is getting
serious o, what did you tell her?’
‘What do you think I told her, I
told her to go and adopt grandchildren if she wanted them so bad jare and let
me be; you’d think I was clocking 80 the way everyone is carrying on, I am just
32 for crying out loud, I know its old, but I don’t need to be reminded of it
every single day of my life. I already go through enough emotional traumas
without all the reminders.’
‘Kamsi don’t be too hard on your
mother jor, she’s just trying to look out for you like any caring mother
would. Why not talk this through with Bankole
and see what he says about it.’
‘Eh… Itohan, I don’t want him to
feel like I am pressuring him to propose, you know how guys get when they are
put in a corner like that.’
Ehe o Kamsi, meaning what now?
she takes a sip of water
‘You’ve been with him for 5years now; what
do you mean by pressure? Abeg stylishly
ask him and if he still doesn’t take the bait, buy a ring and propose to him.’
‘Aha noooooo, e never reach that
level o, anyways, I guess I’ll have to have that dreaded talk with him today. By the way, have you heard from Aisha of
'Gosh Kamsi, I feel so sorry for
her that I don’t even know what to say to her anytime I call, everything is
moving so fine for me now that I wouldn’t want her to think I was rubbing my
marriage in her face, she tried to commit suicide for God’s sake!’
‘Poor girl, after 6years of
suffering with that useless man, only to find out that his mother already had a
wife for him and he just led her on, me eh, instead of committing suicide, I
would have killed him and run to Togo to hide.’
We both laugh
‘Kamsi, do you know I even saw
the idiot at that event at Muson centre yesterday, and he tried to chat with me
as if everything was alright, the look I gave him was enough to burn a human
being, and the fool just shrugged and walked away. I was tempted to pour the
water I had with me on him, only that it would have been a waste of good water’
she said with anger on her face
Itohan, men could be so useless! Anyway, thanks for lunch dear, I have to get
going. Kole says he wants ofada rice for
dinner and I have to be a good girlfriend and go prepare it’
I said rolling my
She laughs ‘my friend, you have
turned into a proper Yoruba girl, see what love is doing to you’ she gives me a
hug and says ‘don’t worry, everything will work out fine for you; kole can’t
even begin to live without you.
I hope so’ I said, talk to you later then.
As I carefully drive to the market with my big learner;s
sign clearing the road for me, my phone rings and I take a little time to enjoy
the ring tone I assigned to kole before I pick it up;
‘Hey baby, I was just thinking of
Theres the slightest hesitation before I get a ‘yeah
me too’
and then he says
‘babe we need to talk, are still
on for tonight?
‘Yeah, don’t forget
my ice-cream’ I said, then we said our ‘I love yous’ and I hang up, before I get
into trouble with LASTMA.
Did I imagine that slight hesitation, nah, it’s probably
nothing. I smile to myself as I look forward to tonight, I guess tonight is the
night all my novenas to saints both real and imaginary will yield results, all
the twenty one days fasting and mountain climbing will pay off today. I just can’t
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